Our principal role is to help eradicate poverty, create wealth through teaching, training and practical Life Coaching Programs, Life Skills Training, Skills Developmental Training, wherein also lays the skill to start and maintain sustainable living, become an entrepreneur and to give the nation (South Africans) some positive skills to establish income generating projects to overcome poverty, suffering and lack of knowledge to mandate sustainable living.
We at RISE UP MOVEMENT comprises of astounding individuals and a network of officials who are zealous, compassionate, enthusiastic and unswerving to providing life changing support to societies in need. Each one of our team members are volunteers, who has generously given their time, aptitudes, services and dynamism to a call far greater than themselves.
The foundation of any organizations is its members, and RISE UP MOVEMENT key role players have walked the extra mile, in ensuring the voice of the less fortunate, the abused, the exploited and the bullied is echoed. The RISE UP MOVEMENT is constantly expanding with a diversity of individuals who are committed for change.
The diversity of stakeholders within the RISE UP MOVEMENT is not subjected to South Africa our affiliation extends to International platforms (All Lives Matter, Freedom Unite, International Wellness and Kindness). The Rise Up Movement is proud to be affiliated to the South African Police Services (SAPS iLembe District).
In conjunction with RISE UP MOVEMENT, the RISE UP TUITIONS element is a service provider to assist school learners in the education sector. RISE UP TUITIONS offers a wide selection of tuitions to assist learners who are having difficulty at school, over the years this entity has growth and has been successful in producing excellent results, apart from curriculum growth, learners have become more intone with learning techniques. To add grounded foundation, RISE UP TUITIONS have introduced the SCIENCE KIDZ entity. This entity is developing the mindset of learners in the curriculum of Science at an early age. The fundamental acknowledgement is critical thinking, as we embark on the fourth industrial revolution; RISE UP TUITIONS aims at bringing learners into self orientated explorers.
As the constant growth in Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse in South Africa, the Rise Up Movement has embarked on a project to ensure safety is priority. The SAFE HOUSE project is to house abused women and children until the relevant stakeholders can help with ensuring their safety. This a fundraising initiative. Our key focus is to cater for the North Coast area of Kwa Zulu Natal. RISE UP MOVEMENT welcomes any form of aid to this project as safety and security of our women and children vital.
In partnership with the RISE UP SAFE HOUSE, the RISE UP REHABILITATION is to assist women and children who encountered psychological factors pertaining to abuse. This initiative is warranted by professional, independent and government stakeholders to instill positive mindset. In additional to mindset renewal, skills development and programs are in place. This is to assist the abused with “new beginnings”. Creating sustainable living.
The Rise Up Movement awareness campaigns namely Silent Demonstration pertains to Human Rights Activism and Sustainable living. This is based on Sex Trafficking, Modern Day Slavery, Gender Based Violence, Drug Awareness, Domestic Violence, Farm Murders and poverty. Rise Up Movement are the architects of the Silent Demonstration. This was given birth during the hard lockdown faced during the Covid19 pandemic.
During Covid19 (2020) there was a spike in Gender Based Violence activities and this vile crime became the attention of many South Africans; in parallel to the Human Rights and government guidelines we formulated the Silent Demonstration in June 2020. This gave birth to awareness in form of standing at a designated spot with placards with no movement. This element resonated within communities and stakeholders in promoting awareness and identifying the relevant protocols tools that are in place.
The Rise Up Movement feeding project has been on constant growth in assisting various communities with basic essentials. Poverty needs to be eradicated. In partnership with stakeholders 2020/2021 target of one million meals have reached the two hundred and fifty thousand mark in Kwa Zulu Natal. Rise Up Movement has reached its ten thousand meals within the North Coast area, this includes bread distribution, sandwich drive, grocery hampers and kids’ packets. SAPS iLembe District has been the Rise Up Movement driving force within the Kwadukuza District.
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Contribute R600 and Drive Real Change
End Gender-Based Violence: Fund safe havens, legal support, and awareness programs to protect survivors.
Combat Human Trafficking: Support education, victim recovery, and advocacy for stronger protective measures.
Protect Children: Provide resources and intervention for vulnerable children facing abuse.
Promote Sustainability: Empower communities with eco-friendly solutions and sustainable livelihoods.
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